1. SMILE!: I know this one seems simple but it’s actually super underrated. I’ve been in scenarios where I’m dealing with someone who is very unfriendly, but then I gave my most genuine smile and I could see their face light up.
2. SUMMARIZE: The best way to make someone feel like they’re truly being heard is by quickly summarizing what they said after they speak. They may occasionally correct you but they will like you more for it.
3. BE INTERESTED: Being interested is truly the best way to get someone to like you. To do this you need to talk to them about what YOU find interesting. Some people just don’t find what you find interesting. DON’T SWEAT IT! Projecting what you personally find interesting will eventually connect you to people who have your same interests. It’s a win, win.

These are the 3 biggest habits you should develop to get anyone to like you. I hope this helps! Also is there anything I missed?

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