I’ll try to make this short. Husband has been unemployed for going on 7 months now. I quit my job when I was pregnant early last year because he didn’t want me to be stressed (it was a high stress roll) and wanted me to be a stay at home mom, which was actually what I’ve always wanted to do so I agreed.

He had a really good job as a graphic designer/3D game designer for the past 2.5 years. He got let go summer last year because there were communication issues with the company. When we met I was working at a gym (a few years ago) and he would come in and workout when he was technically supposed to be working.

He worked remote so took advantage of that by kind of doing what he wanted to on company time when he was sure that he probably wouldn’t be caught and his work was mostly done…

He didn’t tell me he got let go until a week after the fact when I asked how work was going. I was around 6 months pregnant at the time. We talked about how it is important to communicate and he said he would do better.

Again, a few days ago, he didn’t let me know when his unemployment ran out until I questioned him, which turned out to be a week after the fact. When I asked him why he said he didn’t want me to worry.

Also during this time, since he has been let go, he has been working on and off on his dream of making his own video game… I don’t want to discourage anyone from their dream but at the same time, I just had our baby 3 months ago… it would kind of be a good thing to have some income and not just pissing through savings.

I don’t really have any friends to talk to about this. Apart of me feels exhausted with everything and especially with being a new first time mom. I don’t know what to do. We just had another talk yesterday and he said the same thing he did 7 months ago and my trust in this relationship is dwindling.

This is my second marriage and I’ve been very upfront and honest about why the first one didn’t work (communication issues) and now I feel like it’s happening all over again and now what’s worse, a baby is now involved this time around. I feel like our talks make no difference and I’m starting to shut down emotionally. I don’t know what I expect anyone to say … am I being over dramatic? Should I just continue to be encouraging to him making this game?

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