Hey all, this seemed like the best place to post this, or at least the least toxic.

So despite being the youngest of my current group of Uni the general consensus among guys and gals alike is I give off Dad energy “In a hot way” according to one girl and I’ve been told that this is a gift and to play into it but I’m not really sure how to do this? Just got out of a year-long relationship so I thought it would be a good time to ask now.

  1. I would actually play this DOWN.

    When I hear “dad vibes” I hear “stable and safe man who would be a good provider, caring husband and sweet father” and frankly that doesn’t scream “hook up” material to women.

    I’m assuming you’re just trying to sport fuck considering you’re coming off a year long relationship. In that case, being seen as a dude that is a great commitment guy is just giving off the wrong kind of vibe in my opinion.

    Unless of course you’re looking to get into another serious relationship right away. If so ignore me

  2. If you were doing that without even realising it, keep doing it aka “be yourself”, don’t stress about “giving vibes” and sh*t. I’m a dad and happily married, so no clue how to *play it”…

  3. You’re calm without coming across as judgey. Consciously playing into that is almost guaranteed to fuck it up. Take it as the compliment I’m sure it was intended as and like any compliment don’t let it go to you me head or change you.

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