I’m at a loss for what to do. I’ve been married for two years and my husband, Chris, has been amazing. I know there is a large age gap, but he looks young for his age and honestly kind of acts young as well. We met at a bar on my birthday and it’s been an amazing time until now.

Yesterday I came home early from work. Usually I get home at 4, but wasn’t feeling good and left around 2:30. As I was driving down our street, I notice a man leaving our neighbors house. It’s a family with a college-aged daughter, Rachel. I see Rachel give the man a kiss goodbye and figure its her boyfriend. When he turns around it was my husband. I immediately pull over and park so he doesn’t see me. Honestly I didn’t believe it was him until he walked to our house.

Once he was inside, I drove to a park and just cried. I pulled myself together, did my makeup and returned home acting like everything was normal.

Chris was his normal loving self. He made me dinner. Rubbed my feet. Did everything that he usually does that before yesterday made me feel like the luckiest woman alive. Now it feels so dirty and gross.

I don’t know where to go from here. I have no proof of what’s happening. I don’t know how long this has been going on. I’m just thankful that we don’t have kids in case we divorce.

How do I confront him on this?

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