I was walking my dog, when she pooped on a neighbor lawn, about a block away from my home. When I reached for a bag to pick it up, I had none. As I was looking for an extra one on my kid’s stroller I heard a noise, and when I looked, it was the neighbor closing its door. I then walked back to my home to get more bags, but when I came back, I saw the neighbor driving away and the poop was gone, so I assumed he picked it up. When I was leaving home a little later, I grabbed a post it, wrote the message below and left at the neighbor’s door. Hi, thank you for picking up my dog’s poop. I run out of bags, went home to get some more, but when I came back the poop was gone. I’m sorry for any inconvenience it could have caused. Tks, your neighbor xxxx.

Later that day I told my husband what happened, and instead of saying what I did right away, I first asked what he would have done, to which he replied that he would write an apology letter and explained what would be in his letter, which was very similar to mine, but in a different order and using different words.

When I told him that mine was very similar and rephrased my letter, he told me the way I wrote wasn’t right, because that’s not the way Americans would have wrote it (we both have dual citizenship, but were not born in the USA), that I had to start the letter with the apology, and that the way I wrote it could be interpreted as arrogant.

Is the way I wrote the letter wrong, and could be even interpreted as offensive, or am I being mansplained here?

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