Anyone have experience marrying someone from another country with most of their immediate family and ties back home?
I’ve been with my gf for 4 years, and we truly love eachother. She’s from Brazil and has been here in the US for 8 years – but all of her ties are back home, including her immediate family (which don’t speak English..making communication with them difficult). We’re at a point where we want to get married but I have so many concerns about what the future holds:
What if she one day wants to move back home?
What if our children become disconnected with me due to the fact that she’ll have them speaking her language and frequently visiting her family (which will be a challenge for me given my demanding career)?
She’s reassured me she would never do that to me because I’ve made it very clear that I would never leave this country (due to my career and my family) but I don’t know what the future holds..

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