Just a question here. I’m gay so I often watch male masturbation videos, I often see them be able to cum alot and with force, I can’t do that tho. When I do cum it’s mosly little amounts and they cum alot, I also don’t have much force in my erection which means I cant shoot it out either. I don’t know why but I’m here to maybe just get tips on what to do to get more cum out and with force.
There’s one thing I largely suspect tho, Hydration. I barely drink, It’s hard for me to drink beacuse I just never ever get the urge and I often play games resulting in me not drinking thru the day. Usually ends up totaling 1L of liquid drunk daily and I heard that contributes alot. If you can then give me tips on what to do to cum more and have force in it since it makes me feel really unworthy not being able to do such simple thing.

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