Sometimes I’ll say something about my day or relevant to the conversation that’s about me, and they will just straight up ignore me or not respond. Otherwise they’re a great friend, and I always make sure to acknowledge what they tell me and help them if needed, and they’ve helped me out too, but it’s like whenever I say something about myself or something I did, they will barely care.

I had a text conversation with them continuing from something they asked me, and when I dropped in that I did something (which I just wanted them to acknowlege at the very least), they didn’t respond to that thing I said. After they responded to the other thing (which only relayed to them), I responded back, but also dropped in something else about the thing I did, which they again, chose to ignore.

I feel like I’m going crazy? I want to make it known that this is making me feel bad, but I hate confrontation. How do I do it in a sly/not confrontational way? Like dropping in something about it mid-conversation.

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