Im currently in a large friend group but eventhough were many in our group I feel so lonely most of the time …specially when im with them I dont think that they are doing it on purpose since they always try and join me to every conversation but whenever I do reply to their questions I dont really think that they are paying much attention to what im really saying, its like theyre just doing it just to say but they dont really care that much on what I really think. Because whenever I do talk about my opinion they dont take me seriously kind of like they see me as very innocent and dumb its like they dont think I can keep up with them(though this is just a hunch i dont know if im overthinking) or I dont know if they cant hear me since I have a very low voice but they sometimes dont reply when i ask them somthing.And it often feels akward whenever im the one speaking to them they dont give back the same energy.

I do have one girl that I am always with in our friend group but when were togther I still feel alone and in chat she just keeps me on delivered mostly.

Whats odd is that im more comfortable talking with my other classmates than them because I feel that they really listen when im talking

My dilemma is to leave or stay in the group they are good people I know that they do always make an effort in reaching out to me and always ask me out on every plan they make. I may also be lacking of an effort to make a convo because im afraid that they dont really want to genuinely get to know me. And also I feel that we are not of the same wavelenght they are more on the wild side while im more on the conserative type I do try to fit it but its akward really.They are also good study buddies so im afraid i might struggle academically if I do leave our friend group.

Do you think that I should stay and just try harder to get to know them even if it feels awkward?
(It might also be hard to make friends because since its our 2nd year of college most of them have already established friend groups)

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