Hey everyone,

I wanted to ask you for advice. I recently turned 28(male), always been the lone wolf type. I had goals, plans that I was working hard on. Also by nature, I find myself rather introverted, although I also enjoy spending time with others. But because I’ve been working hard on myself and my career over the past few years, I haven’t “wasted” precious time on partying, dating, and meeting new people. Rather, I tried to meet my friends or people from work from time to time, but it was not that often.

Recently, I found that I had already put my life in order, achieved some of my long-term goals, especially my finances (because of that, I also had to give up a lot of things).

But know, I would say I am pretty happy with myself. I had good job, a lot of cool skills, and some hobbies I enjoy, and now I would love to share it with someone.

How do you deal with a lack of dating experience? It is true that I was on a few dates, but after 2-3 meetings I gave up due to the lack of chemistry, or the girl gave up.

Mainly I wonder what to say to a woman when she asks about my past relationships? Will it be appropriate if I simply tell the truth that I was never in a relationship because I was working on my life, and also didn’t have the opportunity to meet someone who would interest me?

I know that at 28 I should have some experience, but with my lone wolf nature, and focusing on myself I hadn’t met anyone with that I could try to make a relationship.

What’s your advice ?

  1. No need to go into so much detail. makes it come across like an insecurity. If/when the question of experience comes up, I’d just be honest and keep the response short and to the point. I’d she seeks more info, she’ll ask another question and you can answer that one.

    I would think from her perspective, it’s either, all that is BS and it’s because you had trouble starting one


    If you come across as confident, it’s by choice

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