Few days ago, I was listening to an interview type of podcast of an Indian Standup comedian and he said that no matter what area of Life you are involved in, a very important skill you will need is storytelling.

I feel that this applies especially with socializing. Many a times I’ve noticed that people who are very sociable are often ones who can tell an event from their past in an engaging and compelling manner. But when it’s me talking it’s more like an interview like I just ask questions like hey what did you do over the weekend? I mean that form of conversation is okay as well, but when I tried to tell a story of something interesting that happened, I lose track of the sequence of events or it doesn’t sound as engaging as it did in my head or I stop making sense because I just fail to effectively describe as to what actually happens.

I saw this quote “If you try to use fewer words to say what you need to say, you will become conscious of your speech, and in turn of your thoughts.-Sadh-guru” and thought maybe I spew a lot of useless information or go on unnecessary tangents. Perhaps that’s what I need to work on?

What would you guys advice? I’d like to get some suggestions on becoming a better storyteller. Because I really think it will take my socialskills to the next level

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