So I (F) recently switched schools and befriended a girl who seemed nice. Instantly she started bossing around other people, but not in a super mean way she just told them to fill her water bottle up or grab a pen for her. When she asked me I just said no or told her to do it herself. Now, she has this sort of obsession with me. She started talking like I do, dressing like me, if I mentioned something bad about someone she would always talk shit about them non stop, she started being rude to her other friends if they did something to me.
For example, me, her and her best friend were walking together and her friend accidentally pushed me into a random person. It wasn’t a big deal but this girl started being so rude to her friend and said stuff like “omg you’re so rude and clumsy, don’t push people” and “if you have somewhere to be you can just leave”.
But, at the same time she is rude to me as well. I am sick and not in school right now and she texts me saying that the teachers told them so much important information for a test and that I missed so much and that I’m gonna be stressed. When her and her friend ate sushi she texted me “are you craving sushi right now?”, trying to make me jealous. She also some days just ignore me completely (which I don’t really mind) and legit runs away from me with her friend (the same friend she was rude to).
Anyone know why she is acting like that?

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