I need help on deciding if I should block a person because she was part of our circle that consists of three people that includes me, the rude friend I blocked today, and that other friend I’m having second thoughts of blocking.

The reason why I’m having second thoughts on blocking her is because she doesn’t pick on me that much unlike the other friend who is a raging bitch that kept on picking and making fun of everything I do. This person I think is more genuine but she kinda seems closer to the other rude friend we have and kept on interacting with her. But when it comes to interacting with me she seems okay and fine to me. The only thing that’s messing my mind is because she seems to lowkey agree with everything the rude one does and says. It just saddens me if I will block her I it will be a waste of memories because we had a great time in the past and shared few secrets that only both of us know (maybe) and she just treats me better unlike the other one.

Can you help me decide because I don’t wanna engage myself with the rude friend anymore but this girl is close the rude friend and I kinda dont wanna feel embarassed if I still keep on interacting with the other one since she was the person who witnessed all the picking this rude friend did to me.

I’m just worried she might be surprised why I bloacked her as well when she did nothing wrong to me.

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