Hello everyone, I’m going to be very vague while writing this because I know my boss uses reddit a lot and I don’t want to be obvious that it’s me.

so my boss since we have started working together has been extremely kind to me for no reason and also flirting with me,

It was subtle at first but I noticed that she wanted to do more and more things with me around the store that we work in and always tried to align our lunch breaks at the same time so we would take lunch together.

She has given me promotions in work more than others, I work hard and earned them but 2 weeks after joining the company she took me for coffee and offered me a better role that pays more, then again about a month later she did the same, now recently I’ve be promoted to even another better position. I’ve earned it but I’m not dumb I know its because of something else.

She would tell me things about her marriage and her husband that I don’t think you would tell a colleague at work, basically about how they have problems and things between them are difficult, from what I gathered her husband is extremely jealous and controlling.

So one day after work she asked if we could go to a local bar to unwind after work, but just me, she never said it to anyone else we work with and I was under the impression that she had, when I arrived there, no one else from work but us was there this is when she told me more things that have given me signs that she’s unhappy all the while flirting with me and lightly touching my arm, telling me things that normally would be frowned upon between Co-workers

So progress about 2 or 3 months of this kind of behaviour, we have taken to talking on social media. Alot more things have come to light about how she treats our conversations and me, basically she hides the fact we speak to her husband and deletes our messages, the other day I get a text asking if we could go out after work and we could go to a bar and chat. It was just like the other time except she out right just confirms to me about how her husband is controlling and extremely jealous and how unhappy she is.

So the night ends and I go home she goes home, I get a text about 30 minutes later asking if we could meet back up, I wasn’t sure but I agreed and we met back up and talked some more at another bar, the night ends and we go home again. The next day in work she tells me that her husband somehow knew she went out 2 times somewhere with someone, she’s concerned that he’s tracking her location, she tells me that they where arguing and she never said she was out with me and she deleted our messages and basically covered it all up.

She told me her husband has been suspicious about me and he has brought me up to her a few times because she is always talking about me to him in regards to work and out right said that she deletes our conversations and she will never tell him it was me she was with that night.

Now I’m sitting here the next day wondering what is going on

So reddit Is my boss looking for something to happen between us?

What should I do in this situation.

TLDR: my boss is flirting with Me and hiding me from her husband, is she looking for something between us.

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