Me (17M) have been trying over and over to have sex with my girlfriend (18f). I’m not really bothered about it as I can control my desires most of the time but at times it can get quite infuriating for me. I’m just wondering if there is anything I can do to make her want to be more sexually intimate with me rather than knocking me down. For context I know I should not be comparing myself to her but whenever she wants to have sex and I don’t I still try to make an effort my giving her head etc but she dosent feel the need to do the same for me which I think is quite unfair but I shouldn’t be expecting it from her. She’s on birth control and not on the pill that causes blood clots or whatever.

We are quite happy at least I think so, I make sure to call her beautiful and reassure her that I love her everyday. Like sure we have our arguments but those only last a few hours.

I don’t know if she’s jsut not very sexually aftive but it’s driving me insane at some points. Last time we had it was about a week ago but this has been going on for the past 6 months or so where she’d want to have sex all of the time for a week straight and I’d fuck her guts and I always make sure I make her finish. I was wondering that if that was the problem since every time we finish she gets pains inside which might be cause by my penis but I don’t think this would because we talked it over and she asked me to not go as deep and I’ve done that ever since.

I would jsut like some awnserd on how I could maybe improve her desire to have sex with me more or if there is anything I’m doing wrong. The longest time I probably haven’t had sex with her is probably 3 weeks or around a month, which I admit had made me insanely depressed and unloved as I always tried to initiate but it got to the point where I couldn’t take constant rejection from her so I stopped trying to initiate until the day where she confronted about how I stopped asking her for sex and she got upset since she thought I found her less attractive or I didn’t love her the same which I did it just made me very drained for a while that’s all.

Any advice on how to get back the sex life is once had?

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