I (F19) always get sleepy around the guy (M21) I have feelings for. It’s not that I’m bored, I actually have so much fun and am at my happiest when I’m around him. I just get really tired when I’m alone with him. We went to the circus on the 13 and when we got back to his place we started watching a scary movie then he laid in my lap and fell asleep almost instantly. I’ve noticed when we’re alone together he starts yawning a lot. I spent the night with him and today we went and he took me to get my nose pierced and a new tattoo. He held my hand the entire time and comforted me and made sure I was okay. We went back to his place when it was done and we watched a movie together. As soon as we sat down on his couch I got sleepy. We played video games together and we were laughing and joking around but I couldn’t stop yawning. Whenever we’re sitting together and some part of him is touching me or I just smell his cologne or hear his voice I start feeling sleepy. I took one of his shirts and wore it and now that I’m back in my own bed wearing it and smelling his cologne on it I feel super tired. Like I could fall asleep at any second just smelling his cologne. Is there some sort of reason for it?

TL;DR: I get super tired around the guy I have feelings for and am wondering why.

  1. Does this always happen while in his apartment, or does this happen in other places too?

  2. This may sound stupid but I remember reading one time that sometimes we yawn when we aren’t getting enough oxygen. So, are you breathing enough around him? Like are you trying not to breathe too loud or something like that and maybe you’re not getting enough oxygen in?

  3. honestly when I first start to feel really comfortable and safe with a new partner, I fall asleep lol. I’ve begun to think it’s my body’s cue to me that this person makes me feel safe

  4. I used to struggle with sleep until I married my husband. I struggled a lot with anxiety that would keep me awake. His presence comforted me and made a world of difference.

  5. I dated someone once who I would get sleepy around too — my living situation wasn’t great, and when we would go back to his house I felt like I could finally relax.

    My current partner is similar–its so easy to fall asleep while we watch TV or while he games, because I feel safe and comfortable. I saw that you said above that you have trouble sleeping. I do too! I’d chalk it up to you feeling safe. Enjoy your safety and your partner, and the rest!

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