I just went through a really dark period of my life losing the friends and connections that mattered to me and rn im just trying to do new things and go out/socialize more. I just went to a social event about a week ago at my school alone and while waiting for the transportation, a few people (acquaintances) I don’t rlly know/consider close to be friends checking up on me and trying to keep me company cause i apparently looked lonely and felt bad for me and one of them invited me to be with their group. I think it was very thoughtful and sweet of them but like idk I still felt really bad about myself.

Something about me is that im surprisingly an extrovert, I want to meet and chat with new people and I love it, not to mention it’s just generally good for me to be around people and sozialize. That said I feel uneasy and somewhat anxious being around large groups of people interacting with each other and with just me being left out? I think it has to do with people already finding their clique/group and being with them that makes me feel uneasy.


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