about 50% of the time when my gf and I have sex, she’ll get watery-eyed and a little sniffly. the first time it happened we spoke about it and she assured me I wasn’t hurting her and said it was more of an involuntary reaction because of how good it felt. I would love to just take the ego boost and move past it but I still get a twinge of anxiety when I see her well up with tears mid-stroke

before we met, she was a virgin due to past religious trauma and extremely strict parents. I don’t want to armchair-diagnose her but I wonder if subconsciously, those past issues could be at play here. I’ve watched her use a dildo on herself before and the same thing happens – when it starts feeling really good, her eyes get watery. I’ve never seen this before and just wanted to share it here to see if anyone can reassure me I’m not traumatising her

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