**My Dating/Relationship Problem:**
All of my life I have had no luck in finding a relationship with someone I am really into. I have consistently felt unfulfilled in my relationships. I have never truly been “crazy” or “infatuated” with the partners I have had when entering these relationships. Every person that I have been crazy for and really into has not shared the same feelings for me, and this is a consistent pattern throughout my life. It seems the people I really want never want me back, and I am not into the people who really want me, so I have always had to settle for people I am not really into and this is causing me to feel depressed and hopeless at this point in my life.

**About Me:**
I have asked my close friends and classmates if it is a personality issue on my end, but everyone I talk to has nothing but positive things to say (that I am kind, smart, driven, etc., etc.). Even my closest friends who I asked to be honest and upfront with me. I feel that I check all the conventional boxes for physical attractiveness and I regularly exercise and take care of my self. I am 6′ 3″, slim athletic build, have done some underwear modeling, and the compliments I hear most often are that I either have nice hair or a nice skin tone. Professionally, I am a university educated engineer, I have been accepted to medical school and will be starting my MD degree this year, and this summer I am being commissioned as a lieutenant in the Air Force (on military scholarship for medical school) and on track to being a medical officer. For hobbies, I like to be outdoors hiking or walking trails. I really like participating in environmental initiatives like removing trash from trails and rivers with other volunteers. I also like riding my bicycle, lifting weights and working out, playing video games, hanging out with my friends, and volunteering at a hospice facility, and also cooking/baking. No drug or alcohol use, no debt or money issues besides some minor student loans from undergrad, no health problems, no other red flags that I can think of.

**Need Advice or Insights:**
It is frustrating to me because it feels like I cannot pinpoint what I am doing wrong, and consequently I do not know what to fix about myself or what to do differently. Can anyone share their insights, own experiences, or advice with me? I am feeling particularly depressed because today I experienced yet another soul-crushing rejection from someone I was really into, and now I just feel scattered.
I would like to mention that none of the girls I am into are conventionally “beautiful” or “hot” by society’s standards. They are not what society would define as “10/10” or whatever other superficial metric society uses to assign a person’s beauty. They are just regular girls I meet at school or in everyday situations or while volunteering. While I do have a specific type, I do not feel this is an issue where I am trying to find someone out of my league.

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