I like experiencing media.Films,games,books,comics etc. It doesn’t matter.I am a cinema student and this is my first year.I love watching films and because of I wanted to produce something and I love art and cinema I chose this department.I don’t regret it.However, the thinks that bother me whenever I talk about some movie,series or whatever a media,I get affected by my friends’ or other peoples’ opinions.I love rating the films I watched on Internet.Whenever I liked something and gave it a score I look to other peoples’ average score and compare it with mine.Whether its higher or lower I find myself questioning that “should I change it or not”.I can accept that I don’t have enough technical information about everything and my observation skills are just starting to develop.Because I am just a first class student.I have been learning the basics since the October.I feel like I don’t see myself as a person and I consider everyone as an authority.I am starting to think that my opinions and feelings are worthless.I don’t know why I always want to be same with the people.I just want to see my own ideas and feelings valuable.

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