i dont know why i do this except i’ve been doing this forever. Sometimes when my friends say certain thing (things that definitley aren’t reasons to hate them for, just slight irritations) i note them down and think, see i knew they were stupid. this is for slight differences in morals (again nothing major, things like liking certain characters that i dislike, being too vulgar about said character, just small nitpicks). i have a whole list i made of incidences like that and i sometimes come back to it, being like “see i told you they’re not good enough”. They are good friends and not bad people and i feel weird for doing it sometimes as i don’t understand why i’m doing it, i still hang out with them and enjoy being around them. Its just as soon as they say something i disagree with or say something that highlights their principals that i disagree with, i note it down and start hating them for it. The thing is i know that if they agreed with me on everything too, i would still find something. Any words of advice? I dont understand why i do this?


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