I feel like this likely a lot more common than I realise, but being someone who by nature is a little grumpy and anti social, I find that I can’t mask the way I feel about people and if I find someone even slightly irritating I just can’t be around them and if I am put in a situation where I must be around them I am rude and aloof.
I’m not proud of this and I feel like it makes me come of as not a very nice person, if I don’t like someone I can’t pretend to, I can’t be civil, I can’t be ‘friendly’ or even bring myself to a polite hello or goodbye, it’s almost painful for me to be around them and I will completely ignore them because if I do speak to them I won’t be nice.
Surely this must be quite common and I’m not just a huge dick, anybody else experienced this and found a way to make it a little easier? This is obviously in situations where I have to deal with people I am not keen on (work etc)

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