I get bullied out of every job and social environment.

Everyone thinks I’m rude, standoffish, weird, or mentally “slow”.

This very extroverted guy at my job mockingly said “Now don’t get all shaken up” before he asked me a question and my other coworkers laughed with him. Like they were ridiculing my highly anxious responses and avoidant behavior.

And this same guy always stares at my legs or body when speaking to me (rather than make eye contact) if I have to go in his office to ask him something, so he already makes me uncomfortable and stressed out.

I constantly get patronized and spoken down to like I’m a 12 year old (when I’m in my mid 20s). No one thinks I’m capable of handling any important tasks, despite the fact I have a masters degree.

I had to go get coffee for a bunch of senior people in the office today and this older woman literally acted like I was incapable of such a simple task. She kept explaining everything in slow detail and asking “do you need help sweetie” and “you got this” in the same high-pitch tone people use to speak to children or dogs. It is so humiliating being treated like this.

Over time, all my coworkers seem to develop less and less respect for me. I’m either classified as rude and uncooperative or ditzy and “slow”. I feel like a complete joke. People always ask me if I’m “overwhelmed” too.

I can’t handle this anymore. Maybe I can only work 100 percent remote (I wish I could, but I don’t think I could portray myself as competent and likeable enough in an interview). But I’m sick and tired of being bullied and ostracized out of every workplace. I’m so tired of being branded as a rude bitch or a “slow” mentally disabled person because I am quiet and awkward. It’s humiliating and demoralizing.

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