I’m a 6ft 2 average guy studying a masters. I keep to myself mostly but have 2 flatmates that I met from the same masters program (we decided to stay together before meeting itself). These guys are internationals from their home countries and have never travelled outside before. They’re from the same country I’m originally from so culturally we have things in common, but overall I’ve lived outside in the US and the Uk for most of my life so have had a very different upbringing and travelling experience.

From day 1, they’ve immediately thought I was mega rich because of my accent and because I would frequently order take outs rather than cook. Now i’m not rich at all but just a lazy spoilt guy – my bank account is pretty close to just enough for me to pay rent tuition and get take outs. So this narrative has really annoyed me and this rumour has spread leading to people distancing themselves from me because they think I’m spoilt etc.

Number 2, i always hear rumours about me like oh he got this job or this internship which aren’t even true and I think are coming from one of my flatmates. it’s really annoying and frustrates me. Sometimes i tell them (thinking its between us) about my recent failures or rejections and the next I know, it’s blasted everywhere.

I’m just trying to be a chill guy, focus on my life, but everytime there’s some rumour or the other. I also feel people don’t think highly of me for some reason and it annoys me as well. I went to a good uni but everyone else in my course from my country went to the same uni (a top uni of their country) so they think they’re better.

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