So my (21f) boyfriend (21m) is super caring and loving. But today he said that he is better than me. I confronted him by saying that why would I want to be with someone who doesn’t consider me his equal. So he continued by saying that you want me because I am better than you, that’s what women look for, you are better with kindness , care , compassion and all those feminine qualities, but I am smarter and stronger than you, if you don’t believe me let’s throw hands, i can literally break all of your teeth and when it comes to being smart, conduct any test to prove intelligence , I will be smarter than you.

He said everything jokingly but I felt really uncomfortable and I expressed this to him as well. But he believes that my ideology of relationships is quite fairyland-ish
and I am not in touch with reality.

TL;DR : My boyfriend believes he’s better than me, suggesting I’m with him because he’s superior. He’s dismissive of my concerns and thinks my view on relationships is unrealistic. This is worrying and needs serious discussion.

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