Hello everyone I am [21M], and recently I have had extreme troubles with premature ejaculation. Just for some basic backstory, 2 years ago I got into my first relationship, but to be honest it was only really for fun, no extreme affection for each other. With her, I could last for ages almost to the point where lasting too long was a problem.

However with my new girlfriend I can barely last at all. First of all she a virgin, she wants to wait for a little longer in our relationship since we have not been dating for that long. Still whenever receiving oral, which used to be a 10 minute thing for me. I am struggling to even make it to a minute!!

I am unsure of why, what happened, I can think of two potential reasons for it. First of all, I really love this girl, everything about her is amazing, maybe just the idea of it being her is making it harder for me to last. Second, I won’t lie, between the two relationships I began masterbating very often, like every day, and am struggling to bring the numbers down even in a relationship. Could me masterbating so often effect my time?

Finally, is there any tips or advice you guys have that could potentially help me?

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