I have been seeing a wonderful guy for some time now.

It’s obvious that he suffers from PE, and thinking back on our first few sexual encounters, I suspect he’s known, since he applied all the common orgasm delay techniques from the start.

I also suspect that since he’s aware of the issue, he is very diligent about making sure there is a ton of foreplay and I orgasm multiple times before any penetration. We take frequent breaks so he can regain control until we both decide it’s time.

Penetration is important for me to be sexually satisfied and even though it’s not sustained in round 1, he does an amazing job in all the areas.

We’ve never directly discussed it and, quite frankly, I’m not sure we need to since it seems he’s very aware and is an amazing and selfless lover otherwise.

There have been a couple times when we got to the penetration parts of sex and he came almost immediately. He apologized and seemed briefly embarrassed. I responded lovingly and told him it’s ok, and we didn’t dwell on it.

I love this guy and see a future with him. Is this something we need to talk about? If yes, how do I even approach it since he seems to do everything he can to mitigate the issue?

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