I’m (25F) currently in a LDR and we see each other every other week. Right now, our main form of communication is texting and we’ll have a FaceTime call every other night. Sometimes my partner (28M) takes a long time to respond, it’s usually a few hours. I’ve seen how he is with his phone so I know that he is seeing my texts but just likes to take his time responding. He’s also like this with his friends and family. I’m the opposite type of texter. If I’m not busy, I’ll respond to texts from him and my friends and family as soon as I see it. I feel like it helps the conversation flow better and sometimes if I leave it for too long, I won’t t have a good response.

When he takes so long to respond, anxiety creeps in and I’ll start to think that I’ve done something wrong or that he isn’t in to me anymore or I’ll get worried that he isn’t safe. I do have an anxious attachment style, and I’m aware that the solution to this style is to ask your partner to be more reassuring but I don’t want to ask him to constantly reassure me. I don’t want to give my power away in that way. It’s still quite early on in our relationship.

I don’t want him to change his texting habits for me. So I’m looking for ways to handle my anxiety better when I’m not hearing back from him.

Any advice?

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