In France, 50 Shades of Grey is rated 12+ amazingly enough. The British Parliament had a cunning plan to enact legislation on trying to verify ID for accessing it, good luck with that game of whack-a-mole where you try to push Parliament against a group of horny teenagers who grew up in the computer era, the kind of people who also frequently write their own erotic fanfiction stories about their favourite characters and situations online, let’s see if that law remains effective after two weeks. Ukraine is trying to change legislation around porn, and a meme I made about that six months ago is one of my most upvoted posts on Reddit ever. Oh, and someone got to be repeatedly poked between the legs with something pointy on the Senate floor in Italy in 2022; hum, where have I heard that before, my dear Brutus?

Some places in Europe have quite good sex education like the Netherlands, others not so much. Some people learn well that pornography is as much a documentary on how to have sex as Star Wars is about how to go to space, and is meant exclusively for just getting people aroused. Others really don’t learn that well in the world, like those who yell at gay people in my province in Canada. I wonder how people across European areas tend to think of it, the laws on it, whether they should be tigher or looser (entendre intended), how people would react if they knew you’ve seen it or read it, if any politician gets into some scandal pertaining to it, etc.

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