I met this guy through mutual friends and from the moment I met him it’s been unlike anything l’ve ever felt before. Eventually, we started talking but It’s mostly been through text since we are often too busy to see each other. When we do meet up it’s always with our friend group which has become a bit of a habit. Anyways, he checks off so many boxes of mines and he is just so gentle and patient with me. Like he truly makes me feel loved which isn’t something I’m used to and everyday I notice my feelings intensify to a point where I’m beginning to want more. There’s just one problem. We have hung out solo twice now and each time l’ve felt a little awkward and didn’t know what to talk about. It’s not that he makes me feel uncomfortable but rather because I get nervous and often stress about wth to talk about.
Because the next thing is that we do not share much in common. I just become concerned that despite how much we like and care for each other, we may not be that compatible after all. I’m not sure if it’s just all in my head because he never says anything about it but I see other couples in our friend group talk endlessly and it makes me feel a little insecure in our connection.
Also, I am an anxious person so even with friends I’m close with, I tend to feel awkward with them if we haven’t hung out in a long time but it’s never too bad because if anything we just catch up on our lives which helps but with my person of interest, he often doesn’t haven’t much to say about his life and l’d hate to be the one to ramble the whole day. Thoughts?

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