Ok, so I’m (14M), and I get severely bullied at school because of my name and my parents (39F) and (40M). My parents are huge Star Wars fans, and when I was born, they decided to name me “Anakin Skywalker.” I’m not joking; that is actually my name. My parents’ last name isn’t “Skywalker.” My dad’s last name is “Thompson,” and my mom’s last name is “O’Connor.” When they got married, they decided to hyphenate their last name, so their last name is “Thompson-O’Connor.” However, when I was born, they gave me “Anakin” as my first name and “Skywalker” as my last name, and I don’t have a middle name. Because of this, I got bullied, and I still get bullied at my school. For it, I joined the school football team, and the players sometimes call me “Ani,” and they make fun of me, saying, “Use the force.” When I get angry and tell them to stop, the coach will come, and he will make fun of me too, saying, “Don’t go all darkside with me now.”

It’s embarrassing. I have one friend whose name is Emma (16F), and she just calls me “Anakin” when we are alone, but when she introduces me to her friends outside of school or her siblings, she just calls me “Sky” to save me from the embarrassment. I told my parents, but they said the kids are just “jealous.” I don’t really hate my name;

I mean, I do like it, and I actually like my last name, “Skywalker,” but I get made fun of by the teachers and students, and I don’t even like Star Wars. I find the movies boring; my parents would force me to watch them with them, and it was just boring to me.

I thought the last three with the female lead were more fun and adventurous, but that’s about it. It was kind of weird seeing the character of Anakin on screen because we share the same name, but even then, I never really liked the character in the movies; he was annoying and kind of a jerk to everyone, except his wife.

I did like him in the animated show, but even then, he wasn’t my favorite character. Because I don’t like Star Wars all that much and don’t really watch it, the students and teachers make corny Star Wars references that I don’t get sometimes because I’m not into it like that, and some students call me “Vader.” I honestly just want to be called “Anakin” or “Skywalker” and just be treated normally without being made fun of or people making dumb Star Wars jokes and references. I know I sound ungrateful, and I’m not.

I do like my name, and I do like the character, kind of (I only liked the cartoon version). I thought he was cooler as a supervillain, but even then, I just want to be treated “normal,” even though my name isn’t “normal,” and I don’t hate my parents. I see where they were coming from; they love Star Wars, and I they love the characters I love Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s my favorite show, and I’ve watched it all the time since I was little. I’m super hyped for the Netflix live action show, and when I’m older, if I had a daughter, I could see myself wanting to name her Katara or Azula, or if I had a son, I would want to name him Zuko. I like my name, and I don’t want to change it, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I guess when I graduate, I’m going to just go with “Sky” because “Ani” sounds like a girl’s name, and I can’t go with “Anna” because that sounds like a girl’s name too.


TLDR: I get made fun of at school because of what my parents (39F) and (40M) named me.

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