Hello everyone,

I am seeking to work from my desk at home as my mother is both mentally and physically unwell and we are struggling financially constantly. I currently work at a fast food chain which isn’t necessarily far but as someone on the spectrum I suffer from what I would say is a moderate to high level of burnout I cannot seem to recover from.

I have been on less and less shifts due to schedule, having to call in for mental health or for taking care of my mother and the house which I am barely able to keep up with. (currently an atrocity since I got gastro for my birthday on the 11th! Finally stopped an hour ago as of writing this…) On top of this I recently lost my dad to a ten year battle with cancer so I myself am having a hard time but I will refrain from delving as per the rules.

I am unsure of the jobs on the market or where to really look for them as when I have previously, the offers I’ve seen just look a bit… Scammish? I wouldn’t mind doing call work or computer related labor as I use one everyday and can adapt to software fine. I am curious what other categories of stay-at-home work there are I could delve into as it would solve a vast majority of my problems.

If anyone here has advice, information or more please comment or DM.

Edit: had an afterthought.
I am not officially diagnosed with anything but am I eligible for pip or uc due to my circumstances? I have never had carers allowance since both of my parents were on full rate disability and apparently the money I would have received would have been taken from their payments which I just don’t understand at all because the band below my mum’s gives carers for free?? Government moment…

Your time and responses will be greatly appreciated ⭐

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