Throw away account as I don’t want my partner to see.

I (26m) and my partner (28F) have been together almost 10 years. In the beginning our relationship was mostly sexual (we lived together in college so you fill in the rest) and I’m glad it moved past that to what it is now. However I miss the sex. Due to many reasons, however recently I’ve had major surgery that left me sore, our sex life has declined. I can count the amount of sex we’ve had in the last year on one hand. I’m normally the one who initiated and I’ve tried everything I can think of from romantic dates, suprise holidays, different times of day but nothing seems to stick. I get that in long relationships sex becomes less of a focus but it’s starting to get hard ( no pun intended).

We’ve spoken about this and she always seems willing to work on our sex life and is always going on about how horny she is and speaks like she’s always desperate for sex, however this doesn’t come across at all when I try and initiate anything. Just looking for advice and if anyone’s perspective can help me work out if I’m doing something wrong or if there’s another thing to try.


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