I met this woman at a friend’s wedding and we had been talking for a week after. Before we met and had sex. Now I enjoy pleasing my partner’s so as things got steamy, I went down on her. I spent like a good 15 min down there and apart from her moaning her body didn’t respond at all.

We proceeded to have sex and after I asked her if she had an orgasm knowing full well that she didn’t have one. In response she told me she has never had an orgasm. Now she had go back to her dorm soon after this because she works in a hotel and there’s a curfew for their dorms. So we couldn’t do anything more.

I really like this woman and want her to experience orgasms with me, now I have never had trouble in this department with any of my previous partners but, I tried everything I could during the one time we had sex and she didn’t cum.

If there are any women who had a similar situation and overcame it, please help. Men also who had similar experiences with a partner.

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