My wife and I recently did a trial separation so far 1 week down. Her bipolar habits came back and mental illness has started back up after we had our 1.5 year old. We fought and I didn’t know how to handle the quick mood swings. We did marriage therapy and decide to take a break and give her space. She moved to her parents house for the time being. I gave her space and only see her when she picks up our child. During this time of space I focused on me and made changes on how to handle things. I bought her a big Valentine’s Day gift (gift card to her fav store, roses, and dinner reservation for the following weekend which was already planned). Today she comes home stressed to see our child before her work, i was surprised she she gave a gift for Vday. I gave her my card and she loved it and her mood changed from stressed to nice in a matter of minutes. She leaves and then she calls me on her way to work saying she was sorry for being stressed and thanked me constantly for her gift. I went to up to her work that day with roses I ordered weeks ago. She was thankful. I still give her space don’t text or call. She usually starts the call or texting . We still have our date this weekend. Does it sound like she wants reconcile ? She made plans to meet Sunday for her sisters birthday. Her parents know she’s mentally sick and they have always thanked me for dealing with it .

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