I (f25) want to have sex more often with my (m35) partner. We have a great relationship and absolutely adore each other. This year we’ve had difficulties in life in general and our personal mental health. It’s not been the sexiest of situations, but I’m soooo horny. We’ve been sexually active about once a month the last several months. I’ve tried working on my self image, I exercise, try to take care of my appearance and hygiene, got some cute things to wear. But I feel like nothing creates a mood and it’s become kind of platonic? Like we feel like best friends who love each other but I want hot passionate sex again! I would like 3-4 times a week at least. Sometimes I want to go multiple times in a couple hours or a couple times a day. Any advise? My self esteem is being affected by it significantly. I end up crying almost daily. I feel ugly or uninteresting to him but I know that’s not true. By the time we do have sex again I’m already sad AF. When we finish I feel sad that it will be weeks until we do again. Also I know he’s been looking at porn while I’m not home or sleeping. So I’m sad he won’t fuck me.

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