I recently found out that a person I know got a gf from a very remote country. It caught me off guard because this person isn’t someone who seemed like the type to go out and socialize a lot, and the chances of meeting someone from that particular country is almost nigh impossible around here.

I am quite jealous of him, I admit. Not because he got a pretty gf or anything, but because he found someone quite exotic and managed to befriend them. I know that I’m being a piece of shit by objectifying her, but I think of people as books, and I really enjoy learning about them and their experiences, and do feel a bit envious that he’s managed to do so and I haven’t.

Putting my apathy aside, I came to the conclusion that the reason I don’t meet anyone interesting is because I quite literally do not meet new people. Even if I do, I don’t make contact. I want to try remedying this but I have no idea where to start, and even in the conversations I come up with in my head, I do not know how to strike up a conversation in the first place.

I cant comment on the weather here cause its almost the same every day. I don’t have an eye for outfits, and if I manage to actually say something, its generally a question, and I shut up if I get an answer.

What do I do folks? Where do I go to meet new people if I live in a really isolated place with no library which is virtually the only environment I’m truly comfortable in? And if I do meet someone interesting, how do I talk to them?

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