I like saving money. I’m not cheap but I am frugal and I’m proud of it. I coupon and the whole 9– I don’t extreme coupon but I don’t spend money like my friends and budget to keep on track so when I need to spend like I did for a car and my cats medical bills I was good to go. I make less than average in my area and my friends all make more than me NBD because I can save if I wanna go somewhere or do something and I don’t push that on them (I’ve had to opt out of things before because I couldn’t justify it when I needed to save and it was NBD for me).

Anyway, everyone around me is very annoyed with off brands. Sometimes they aren’t as good I’ll admit but sometimes they’re better. I’d rather save the money and find out. If I want a name brand I’ll wait until it’s on sale or there’s a coupon.

I brush it off but I don’t get the hate/annoyance people have with saving and off brands. I don’t push it on them, tell them they should save, nothing. I just like it for me and it’s worked for me for a long time. I was broke as a joke for a long time, so I splurge a little now sometimes but normally I just like saving. Can someone explain it to me? My brother had a friend that said it was embarrassing when we were kids (our mom was a couponer too because she grew up without a lot of money). Just never felt embarrassed about saving. Also: when I do go out I don’t skimp on tipping or anything. I’m an adamant believer that if you can’t tip you shouldn’t be going out.

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