Hey, I was hoping I could get some advice. I’m a 20 year old male. I used to be confident. I was happy with who I was and I wanted to be seen. I got along with everyone I talked to, life was great. And then I met my first girlfriend. We went totally nuts together, but things took a dark turn and I found myself being abused in a draining relationship. She cut me off from my friends and I lost them. After finally getting out, I feel empty. I overthink everything I say and people’s thoughts/reactions. I am so stressed about saying the wrong thing or upsetting people that I think I’ve lost myself. I don’t want to be talking about that crazy relationship but recently, I haven’t been able to think about anything else. I’ve retracted into my shell and coming back out, to be honest, is kinda scary. I would really appreciate anything you guys have to say.

1 comment
  1. Same exact boat, pal… we’ll find a way

    What’s helped me the most is think: “what’s the worst that could happen?” And it helps greatly with social interactions.

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