Hi all,

\*\*I am aware this forum is geared towards men but I wanted to post here to get some perspective. Mods please delete if not allowed.

I am 40(F) in an urban west coast city. Single and have been trying to find my person for over a decade now. I have had short relationships in the mean time that didn’t go the distance. Other times it was someone liking me a lot and me not being able to return the emotion and vice versa. I have met some good people but I always felt one has to be genuinely excited to be with a person and not just get married for the sake of it .

A few years ago I froze my eggs to give myself a chance of having a family. I am financially stable, take care of my appearance and generally have an ok time getting dates.

Now at 40, I am feeling depressed thinking had I known things would not change, I would have settled. I don’t want to imply that I have been looking for someone over 6ft, six pack etc. I have looked for regular guy I found cute and attractive who is on the same page.

That love that I thought would happen one day, never happened and now I think maybe I should have gone along with someone who was excited to be with me. I stayed strong over the years thinking it was best to let people go and let them find someone who would truly cherish them. In short.. if it wasn’t a hell yeah from me, I said No.

I have asked people for advice and I get told that I should consider becoming a single mom as I have the rest of my life to find a partner but limited time to become a mother. Also, I get told that men my age and older will likely be seeking much younger partners. perceived fertility and all…

The optimistic in me holds out hope that somewhere there is a person for me but the realist in me is wondering if I should just accept that while I have a lot of blessings and have known love through family, friends, animals etc. , the love from a partner may never happen.

Have any of you ever felt that? have you had women in your life that went through this? Other areas of my life are relatively balanced so I know I luckier than many people but I feel like I am unlucky in love.


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