So ive been on about 5 dates with a very very good looking guy. He is very sweet, kind and just lovely. This is my first romantic relationship and I iverthink ALOT.
So after talking I followed him on insta. I saw he follows a gurl who was in same year as me in school. This scared me because he’s from wales and I’m from Ireland. So I text girl and she said they chatted on app and wasn’t serious and they didn’t talk for long. He also follows a girl from a county near me. So this freaked me out as I qas thinking oh shit maybe he’s a serial killer.
Also he’s had a gf for iver a year and used to live with her. I’ve never had a boyfriend let alone live with someone. I’m 20 btw.
He’s also alot alot better looking than me. He’s very complmentative and can be flirty. I can’t flirt, I’m not aport- he can run 10k. I can’t even run 1. I’m fat, wonky eyed, socially awkardish.

Am I being played? Having piss taken out of me? Will I be murdered?
Does this being major red flags?
He told me today he’s felt insecure as he got a breakout and he said he doesn’t think I’m very insecure as I seem quite confident even though I HATE my body.
I’m scared I’m sabotaging myself by thinking he’s trying to manipulate me or is he just the same as me? We REALLY get in. I sometimes think I’ve had him up in my head.

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