My husband(23M) wants to have kids in about two years and before recently I(24F) agreed. He is extremely health conscious and is a hypochondriac. He pretty much says that health is his number one priority and wants our future children to be raised a certain way with no sweets, no eating out, strictly breast milk for atleast the first year. He also says that our parents need to respect his way of life for our kids and if they can’t do that then he doesn’t want the kids to hang out with their grandparents for an extended period of time. I totally understand that he wants the best life for his future kids but isn’t it a little extreme to already be thinking of all these little things to do for their health? I mean we don’t even have kids rn. His particularness is very frustrating to me and I don’t even want to deal with kids with him I just feel like it would cause so much arguing. He wasnt obsessed with health when we were dating it’s a more recent thing. Honestly I want kids, but not with him if he’s going to be that way…

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