So my husband works and comes home. I literally handle EVERYTHING else. From dealing with our special needs son and all his needs to my suicidal son and his appointments, handing out medication, locking cabinets, and then waking up a 2am running to his room to check he still breathing. I had to teach our oldest to drive even though I have great anxiety in cars and am not a skilled driver because he couldn’t make the time. I make dinner, do laundry, clean the entire house, handle all the bills, and house needs. He’s upset because our sex life is lacking. I’m exausted. He makes crude jokes about how I dont give him oral. Is mad I won’t let him do oral because his mouth is disgusting and his teeth are rotting out. He watches so much porn that he literally hurts me because he has to jack hammer me to get off his penis is so desensitized from masturbating. He is also so lazy with the fore play I’m bleeding after. When I say this man does nothing I mean NOTHING. He gets mad at me for nagging but will literally forget to feed our special needs son or keep him hydrated without me telling him. I have to take out the trash or he let’s it over flow onto the floor. We have rats and I have to clean the cage every other day and feed our dogs. I get our son ready for bed every night. Shower if needed and brush his teeth then put him to bed. On the weekends I get up with him in the morning and feed him letting my husband sleep. If he’s sick I’m up all night with him. I pick our son up from the bus stop even when husband is home. He plays games on his phone at night while I go to bed with our son and then every morning. He offers no consistency for our son and then gets mad when I act frustrated about it. He acts like a giant man child when our son.refuses to listen or has a meltdown like how dare he not know how to regulate his emotions at 5. He rarely plays with our son. How am I supposed to desire someone while I’m exausted from doing all the things. And he’s so negative. Acts like some things are bad way more then they are and doesn’t recognize the good. He hardly apologizes sincerely and just tries to go on like nothing happened.

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