I’ve been friends with this girl for quite a long time but lately it just has been seeming a bit more and more one-sided to me. Whenever we hang out I always ask her how things are going in her life but I feel like she rarely ever asks about me. She also never acknowledges my accomplishments (my online shop and clientele growing, my 60 lb+ weight-loss, ect). Hasn’t really complimented/congratulated me in years and a few months ago when I got my nails done she saw them and didn’t compliment them or say anything about them she just said “I’ve been thinking of getting mine done too.” I just feel like she really isn’t taking any interest in anything that’s going on with me or acknowledging me and it’s starting to hurt my feelings I guess.

Anyway, one of the most recent things that happened that has me really questioning the friendship is how I was really excited about a new job my partner got and how it pays well and better than anything he’s had before (we were struggling a bit financially before this) and she immediately goes “yeah it pays pretty well but people are miserable there.” Like no “that’s great!” or “I’m happy for you guys!” or anything. It just sort of rubbed me the wrong way especially when I always congratulate her on her successes like getting a new job or promotion.

I guess it would be different if it was just ONE thing but all of these things together are making me question even continuing the friendship. My partner thinks she’s jealous of me and/or insecure but I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’m just overreacting or if this is normal so any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

EDIT: She considers herself to have two best friends, one being me and one being another girl. A few months ago she told me that her partner and her would look at her other best friend’s posts on Facebook and Tiktok and laugh/make fun of them. I was very taken aback by this and it definitely gave me super negative vibes. if she’s making fun of her other best friend like this I can only imagine she’s doing the same to me or talking behind my back. I don’t know how you could ever make fun of one of your “friends” behind their back. Btw we’re almost 30, not high schoolers so it’s even weirder to me. It’s just sad because we’ve been friends for so long so I don’t really want to let the friendship die but she’s almost turning into someone I don’t recognize anymore.

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