It seems like you have to be super advanced just to pass as a normal, likeable person.

As if it wasn’t enough to say the right stuff, you also have to say it with the right tone, with confidence.. it’s impossible!

And these high expectations are put on us from such a young age too.

Like I remember as early as **kindergarten**, you had to be chill if you wanted to make friends. Now I was obviously clueless and terrified, so noone ever talked to me. But like where was I supposed to learn how to be sociable and outgoing?

Then later at schools it was of course level 9000 difficulty, with hierarchies forming, bullying, etc..

And as an adult it’s even harder because you have to like yourself, have some life.. and unlike in HS, people don’t tell you what’s wrong with you. They just avoid you.

So I’m really wondering, why is all of this so difficult?

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