Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 4 years (on and off due to him cheating and lying)….

I’ve since forgiven him and we have moved on from the lying and cheating and he seems to have grown and improved. Since the day we started dating he knew once i had graduated i was planning to move to a different province with my family to have more opportunity for housing affordability. He always planned and told me to come, would even join family trips to the province to look at neighborhoods/houses. He currently works for a concrete company and I work remote full-time Social media marketing and am finishing school for a Human Resources career.

He has now decided he does not want to move anymore. He wants to start a business here in our hometown and then maybe one day move towards my family. I on the other hand, cannot be away from my family. I have planned my whole future around moving and being with him, and now he has totally changed his mind. He doesn’t exactly sound like he wants to do long distance either. He just started a new job in concrete (the business he wants to eventually start) and he’s working 6 days a week. We don’t live together and already live 30 minutes away so the weekends were our usual quality time. He tells me that the business is “for us and our future”, but i’m not sure if i can wait for him to figure a whole business out. He keeps changing his mind and it makes me feel like i was never apart of his future plans.

I love him, but the way i see it is family/relationships over everything. He’s made it clear to me that money is #1 to him (which of course money is a huge factor of life, but a work-life balance is important and i have always been a hard worker myself so i can appreciate the hustle), but if he can’t keep me happy now while he’s “grinding it out for the future” then whats the point of “doing it for our future”.. Do i break up with him?

TL;DR! Boyfriend has history of cheating and was suppose to move away with me and now does not want to because he wants to stay in our hometown to create a business “to better our future”. Do i breakup with him?

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