So im pretty sure I was just a rebound for this one girl I was with/dating for about 2 months.

We spontaneously stopped being very close a month ago and I’m almost certain it’s because her ex is back in her life and she probably still have some sort of feeling for him even though he treated her badly. They have broken up twice already and I guess I was her rebound after the second time. When she “ended” stuff with me she told me that she couldn’t get close/love anyone because she had too much going on at the time and needed to prioritize herself first (very cliche I know) but I did know she actually had some problems at the time so I believed her and wanted to respect her choice . But what made me kinda doubt her honesty was when I saw her and her ex at the club together ( I just saw them talking, but they obviously might have did more then that who knows)

I’m also pretty confident that they will brake up again eventually (if they are together again) but I’m just wondering what I should do if she reaches out to me after essentially “leaving” me for her ex. We still have some contact and I do still like and care for her even though I know she did me wrong. I currently feel like I’m her backup plan and I don’t know if it would be a dumb idea to accept her when she comes back or not?

*more context if that could help speculate the situation: I believe they had broken up their almost 2 year relationship about 3-4 months before she got interested in me, around the same time she “ended” things with me she lost a family member, her mother is having trouble with her job situation, she also told me that her and her ex weren’t on bad terms after they had broken up. The contact me and her have right now is minimal but we still snap each other every now and then, we go to the same school where we see each other sometimes, we have a mutual friend, she did also recently check up on me to see if I was doing okay (she actually called me as well surprisingly) but in the back of my mind I just feel like she is leading me on in case stuff don’t work out with her ex again.

Am I overthinking? Am seeing through her lies? Am I cooked? Any thoughts / advice on wtf to do bc I still want her ngl😔

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