To start off, me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost 2 Years now.

At first i didnt find myself being a very jealous person, but over the last couple months, i kept getting jealous over the smallest things. I started checking his followers, started checking who hes spending time with, and whenever a girl is involved i get extremely jealous and frustrated.

I keep having this feeling of getting replaced. And the issue is : nothing in our relationship happened that should make me feel this way. He has never cheated, hes always honest with me and overall a great partner. So why do i get so insecure about every small thing when i trust this man with everything? I tried getting over this feeling on my own, but its getting worse and its starting to affect our relationship. I noticed that whenever i get this overwhelming feeling of jealousy, i tend to be very confrontational rather than taking the calm approach. I start saying things without thinking.
Example : „Just be with her then“, „Do you still love me?“ etc.
He has been very calm and reassuring in the past, but the more i bring up things that bother me, he gets quite mad and defensive now.

I tried talking to my boyfriend about this before, tried explaining that it has nothing to do with trust but more with how insecure i am. He keeps taking it in a bad way to the point where we dont talk for hours until I end up apologizing for feeling that way.

Edit : forgot to mention we are in long distance so we dont get to meet alot. all we can do is videocall, watch movies, and stick together until we eventually are able to move in together.

tl;dr : Me and my bf have been dating for almost 2 years, but recently ive been finding myself being extremely jealous over small things and its starting to affect our relationship.

Any advice on how to get rid of these negative emotions?
Any advice on how i could talk to my partner about my insecurity/jealousy without it sounding bad // potentially starting another argument?

– sorry if the text is hard to understand, english isnt my 1st language:)

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