Using a throwaway account just to keep this sort of thing separate from my usual, very different Reddit activity.

My fiancée (F30) and I (F31) have a friend (F33) that we’ve started thinking about in more-than-friend ways in the last year or so. About 6 months ago, we told her this and ended up making out with her a bit, but that’s it. She lives a couple hundred miles away so we don’t get to see her often, but she’s going to be close by next month for a work conference, so she’s going to stay in town a couple extra days to come stay with us. We’ve been talking about this plan for a little while, and about a month or so ago decided that we want to have a threesome while she’s here. All three of us are very excited about this, it’s definitely something that my fiancée and I are equally invested in, but I’m a little bit nervous too.

My fiancée and I have only ever been with each other, and our friend has only ever been with one other person but that was years ago. She’s excited to be with us and trusts us to take care of her, but none of us have never had to split our attention between two people like this, so I’m a little nervous that the things we’re used to with just the two of us won’t translate well into a three-person situation.

My fiancée and I read The Ultimate Guide to Threesomes by Stella Harris when we first started to express interest in pursuing sex with an extra partner, and that was definitely helpful in learning a lot about communication and the mental/emotional aspect of this. We’ve been very openly communicating our interests, needs, and expectations for this, so that makes me a little less nervous about things, but I just want everyone to have fun and feel good. Does anyone have any tips, advice, or even just suggestions for fun things to try?

Thank you!!

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