To start off my girlfriend of 5 years has recently made a friend while hanging out with her brother about 2 weeks ago. Her brother lives 3 hours away from our house. Since she made this new friend she has stayed up all hours of the night on the phone and texting.

While I have no issues with her making friends and talking to them. It makes me feel very insecure she would be up all night on the phone and just this past weekend left me at home to go hangout with this man and invited me. But I couldn’t go the day she went so I drove up the next day Friday.

The plan was to hangout with her and the brother this weekend but after I came up my invitation was revoked and told she didn’t want my negativity around. I’m not sure about you but I don’t just go spends hours on end with a woman outside of my family without her.

Her way of justifying it is saying she’s updating me on everything she’s doing and hasn’t lied about anything. That’s great but still doesn’t change the fact of what’s she’s doing. Once her brother found all this out he is pissed and has talked to me about it all.

He said I don’t need to put up with it if she doesn’t respect my feelings about it. Just as well as the rest of her family (mom grandma). But I’m feeling guilty of wanting to leave. As I’ve given her pretty much everything she has besides the place we stay.

I bought her a car which is in my name pay her phone bill which is also under my name. Bought us a dog a month ago. I just feel bad for wanting to leave and rip those things away.

What is your insight with all of this?

  1. Rip it away.
    I’m sorry but she’s staying up all night taking to a man she just met?? Who even does that.
    Also meeting the brother and her friend I assume!!! Yeah bro rip it all away

  2. Bounce. She doesn’t want you or your ‘negativity’ around, but she’d like the car, phone bill, and dog.

  3. You should not be cool with this situation, it is very much not the norm. She is gaslighting you when she is saying that she is keeping you updated therefore you should be cool with it. Not to mention her saying she doesn’t want you there because of your negativity is outrageously rude to say to someone she is dating. Listen to her family. Someone who is willing to prioritize a stranger while demeaning her significant other doesn’t deserve to have those things, especially when her family is telling you to dip. They have known her longer than you, I’d take their advice.

  4. Take the car keys back and turn off the phone. Don’t give her a heads up just pack your shit before she gets back and when she sets down her phone and keys, grab those first before leaving. Take her off any accounts, change passwords and take all your money out of any shared banking. Leave zero ties with her.

  5. Man you pay her phone cut that shit off and get out of this whole situation for your own sake.

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